Outdoor Sail Shades
Sunshine is a beautiful thing to waste. When its sunny, we often spend time outdoors with our family and friends around the pool, cooking on the barbecue, playing ball, and just hanging out. The sun, while we love it for its warmth, can sometimes hurt our eyes, make us sweat, and cause sunburns. Outdoor sail.. read more →
Exterior Window Shades Help Decrease Your Energy Bill
Energy bills are that pesky little bug that continually eats away at our wallets each and every month. We can’t stymie its growth, because as the cost of living rises, so do our bills, and no matter what in-home solution we throw at it, our rates seem to rise, especially in the summer. Double pane.. read more →
The Health Risks of Sun Exposure and Practical Ways to Protect Your Family
On May 20th, 2012 there was a pretty spectacular solar eclipse that was visible in the Western United States. Before the moon moved completely in front of the sun (I heard it covered 86% of the sun’s visible surface), my mother text me with “Impressive eclipse going on right now. Protect your eyes though.” I.. read more →